Results for 'Petra J. Luteijn'

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  1.  15
    The Acute Effects of Standing on Executive Functioning in Vocational Education and Training Students: The Phit2Learn Study.Petra J. Luteijn, Inge S. M. van der Wurff, Amika S. Singh, Hans H. C. M. Savelberg & Renate H. M. de Groot - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Research suggests that sedentary behavior is negatively associated with cognitive outcomes. Interrupting prolonged sitting has been shown to improve cognitive functions, including executive functioning, which is important for academic performance. No research has been conducted on the effect of standing on EF in VET students, who make up a large proportion of the adolescent population and who are known to sit more than other students of this age. In this study, we investigated the acute effects of reducing SB by short (...)
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    Impact of Multiple Factors on the Degree of Tinnitus Distress.Petra Brüggemann, Agnieszka J. Szczepek, Matthias Rose, Laurence McKenna, Heidi Olze & Birgit Mazurek - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Empathic and non-empathic routes to visuospatial perspective-taking.Petra C. Gronholm, Maria Flynn, Caroline J. Edmonds & Mark R. Gardner - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):494-500.
    The present study examined whether strategy moderated the relationship between visuospatial perspective-taking and empathy. Participants undertook both a perspective-taking task requiring speeded spatial judgements made from the perspective of an observed figure and the Empathy Quotient questionnaire, a measure of trait empathy. Perspective-taking performance was found to be related to empathy in that more empathic individuals showed facilitated performance particularly for figures sharing their own spatial orientation. This relationship was restricted to participants that reported perspective-taking by mentally transforming their spatial (...)
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    In Patients Undergoing Cochlear Implantation, Psychological Burden Affects Tinnitus and the Overall Outcome of Auditory Rehabilitation.Petra Brüggemann, Agnieszka J. Szczepek, Katharina Klee, Stefan Gräbel, Birgit Mazurek & Heidi Olze - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Evaluating the teaching of gender‐specific medicine in postgraduate training for general practitioners.Patrick W. Dielissen, Petra Verdonk, Ben J. Bottema & Toine L. Lagro-Janssen - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (6):1226-1229.
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    How robust is the language architecture? The case of mood.Jos J. A. Van Berkum, Dieuwke De Goede, Petra M. Van Alphen, Emma R. Mulder & José H. Kerstholt - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Commentary: Musicians' Online Performance during Auditory and Visual Statistical Learning Tasks.Menchinelli Federica, M. J. Pollux Petra & J. Durrant Simon - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  8.  85
    Partial Word Order Freezing in Dutch.Gerlof J. Bouma & Petra Hendriks - 2012 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 21 (1):53-73.
    Dutch allows for variation as to whether the first position in the sentence is occupied by the subject or by some other constituent, such as the direct object. In particular situations, however, this commonly observed variation in word order is ‘frozen’ and only the subject appears in first position. We hypothesize that this partial freezing of word order in Dutch can be explained from the dependence of the speaker’s choice of word order on the hearer’s interpretation of this word order. (...)
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    Participation in a single-blinded pediatric therapeutic strategy study for juvenile idiopathic arthritis: are parents and patient-participants in equipoise?Petra C. E. Hissink Muller, Bahar Yildiz, Cornelia F. Allaart, Danielle M. C. Brinkman, Marion van Rossum, Lisette W. A. van Suijlekom-Smit, J. Merlijn van den Berg, Rebecca ten Cate & Martine C. de Vries - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-9.
    Background Genuine uncertainty on superiority of one intervention over the other is called equipoise. Physician-investigators in randomized controlled trials need equipoise at least in studies with more than minimal risks. Ideally, this equipoise is also present in patient-participants. In pediatrics, data on equipoise are lacking. We hypothesize that 1) lack of equipoise at enrolment among parents may reduce recruitment; 2) lack of equipoise during participation may reduce retention in patients assigned to a less favoured treatment-strategy. Methods We compared preferences of (...)
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  10.  29
    Semantic Involvement of Initial and Final Lexical Embeddings during Sense-Making: The Advantage of Starting Late.Petra M. van Alphen & Jos J. A. van Berkum - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Ein Fortpflanzungsmedizingesetz für Deutschland.Henning M. Beier, Martin Bujard, Klaus Diedrich, Horst Dreier, Helmut Frister, Heribert Kentenich, Hartmut Kreß, Jan-Steffen Krüssel, Annika K. Ludwig, Eva Schumann, Thomas Strowitzki, Jochen Taupitz, Christian J. Thaler, Petra Thorn, Claudia Wiesemann & Hans-Peter Zenner - 2018 - Ethik in der Medizin 30 (2):153-158.
    ZusammenfassungDie rechtliche Regelung der Fortpflanzungsmedizin ist dringend reformbedürftig. Das Embryonenschutzgesetz von 1990 erfasst die neuesten technischen Entwicklungen nicht, ist in manchen Bereichen unstimmig und lückenhaft, setzt die betroffenen Frauen, Paare und Kinder unnötigen gesundheitlichen Risiken aus, erschwert paradoxerweise die Durchsetzung von Kinderrechten und erzeugt Gerechtigkeitsprobleme und Rechtsunsicherheit für die betroffenen Paare und die behandelnden Ärztinnen und Ärzte.Das Embryonenschutzgesetz enthält zudem nur strafrechtliche Verbote. Diese erlauben keine angemessene Reaktion auf die medizinische Entwicklung und den gesellschaftlichen Wandel und werden der Komplexität der (...)
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  12.  24
    »Das Thal der Liebenden« Biographische und ideengeschichtliche Aspekte einer Novelle J. G. Fichtes im ästhetischen Kontextseiner Jugendschriften.Petra Lohmann - 2014 - Fichte-Studien 41:145-161.
  13.  52
    Complex Inferential Processes Are Needed for Implicature Comprehension, but Not for Implicature Production.Irene Mognon, Simone A. Sprenger, Sanne J. M. Kuijper & Petra Hendriks - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Upon hearing “Some of Michelangelo’s sculptures are in Rome,” adults can easily generate a scalar implicature and infer that the intended meaning of the utterance corresponds to “Some but not all Michelangelo’s sculptures are in Rome.” Comprehension experiments show that preschoolers struggle with this kind of inference until at least 5 years of age. Surprisingly, the few studies having investigated children’s production of scalar expressions like some and all suggest that production is adult-like already in their third year of life. (...)
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  14.  22
    A Randomised Controlled Trial of Inhibitory Control Training for Smoking Cessation: Outcomes, Mediators and Methodological Considerations.Laura K. Hughes, Melissa J. Hayden, Jason Bos, Natalia S. Lawrence, George J. Youssef, Ron Borland & Petra K. Staiger - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective: Inhibitory control training has shown promise for improving health behaviours, however, less is known about its mediators of effectiveness. The current paper reports whether ICT reduces smoking-related outcomes such as craving and nicotine dependence, increases motivation to quit and whether reductions in smoking or craving are mediated by response inhibition or a devaluation of smoking stimuli.Method: Adult smokers were randomly allocated to receive 14 days of smoking-specific ICT or active control training. Participants were followed up to 3-months post-intervention. This (...)
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  15.  21
    (1 other version)Arbeit Und Spiel: Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie 2018.Alexander Friedrich, Petra Gehring, Christoph Hubig, Andreas Kaminski & Alfred Nordmann (eds.) - 2018 - Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Mbh & Co. Kg.
    Spiel und Arbeit gelten oft als Gegensätze: Das Spiel als freie Betätigung menschlicher Vermögen, die Arbeit als deren Subordination unter einen äußeren Zweck. Die Festlegung des Spiels auf konsequenzlose Wiederholbarkeit hat ihm den Ruf des Unernsten eingetragen, während das Abzwecken der Arbeit auf die Nützlichkeit ihres Resultats im Bund mit der Sorge ums Dasein steht. Auf einen zweiten Blick scheint dieser Gegensatz jedoch, gerade in den hochentwickeltsten Ausprägungen beider Tätigkeitsformen, zu verschwinden. So kann eine hochgradige Rationalisierung von Spielpraktiken in Arbeit (...)
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  16. Farní kostel sv. Petra v Horažďovicích.F. J. Lehner - 1903 - Method 29:41-46.
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  17.  51
    Papyri From Petra J. Frösén, A. Arjava, M. Lehtinen (edd.): The Petra Papyri I . (American Center of Oriental Research Publications 4.). Pp. xx + 144, ills, pls. Amman: American Center of Oriental Research, 2002. Cased, US$80. ISBN: 0-90-95654-. [REVIEW]N. Gonis - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (02):655-.
  18. P. johannesma1, A. aertsen2, H. Van den boogaard1, J. eggermont1, and W. epping1.J. Eggermont & W. Epping - 1986 - In G. Palm & A. Aertsen, Brain Theory. Springer. pp. 25.
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    John J. Stuhr. No Professor’s Lectures Can Save Us: William James’s Pragmatism, Radical Empiricism, and Pluralism.Julian J. Schloeder - 2024 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 4 (2):383-386.
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  20.  17
    On Ethics and Economics: Conversations with Kenneth J. Arrow.Kenneth J. Arrow & Kristen Renwick Monroe - 2016 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Kristen Renwick Monroe & Nicholas Monroe Lampros.
    Part intellectual autobiography and part exposition of complex yet contemporary economic ideas, this lively conversation with renowned scholar and public intellectual Kenneth J. Arrow focuses on economics and politics in light of history, current events, and philosophy as well. Reminding readers that economics is about redistribution and thus about how we treat each other, Arrow shows that the intersection of economics and ethics is of concern not just to economists but for the public more broadly. With a foreword by Amartya (...)
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  21.  34
    J. Quentin Lauer, S.J. 1917-1997.Dominic J. Balestra - 1998 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 71 (5):150 - 151.
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  22.  58
    Vredenduin P. G. J.. A system of strict implication.J. C. C. McKinsey - 1939 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 4 (3):124-124.
  23.  30
    Introduction to Social Philosophy.J. S. Mackenzie.J. H. Muirhead - 1896 - International Journal of Ethics 6 (3):390-392.
  24. Entrevista con Francisco J. Ayala.Francisco J. Ayala - 1983 - El Basilisco 15:78-93.
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  25.  39
    Dr C. J. BLEEKER, Inleiding tot een phaenomenologie van den godsdienst. Assen, Van Gorcum & Co., 1934.K. J. Cremer - 1937 - Philosophia Reformata 2 (3):188-190.
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  26. Acerca de la dignidad del ser humano: conclusión de las lecciones filosóficas dadas por J. G. Fichte.J. G. Fichte - 2006 - Philosophica 29:375-406.
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  27.  46
    Wayne ouderkirkand Christopher J. Preston.Christopher J. Preston - 2007 - In Christopher J. Preston and Wayne Ouderkirk, Nature, Value, Duty: Life on Earth with Holmes Rolston, III. Springer. pp. 8.
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  28. Griffin, J.-Value Judgement.A. W. Price & J. Griffin - 1998 - Philosophical Books 39:9-19.
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  29. Analytic Philosophy as Metaphilosophy.J. J. Acero - 2011 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 30 (1).
  30. Realidad, referencia y el principio del contexto.J. J. Acero - 1994 - Agora 13 (2):111.
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  31. (2 other versions)De Gemeenteraadsveri< iezingen van 9 oktober 1988. Analysze van de resultaten.J. Ackaert - 1989 - Res Publica (Misc) 31 (3):359-384.
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    Demos on Plato: Comments.J. L. Ackrill - 1964 - Journal of Philosophy 61 (20):610-613.
  33. Tecnocracia: un reto a la práctica médica clásica.J. L. Acosta - 1998 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 10 (2):14-16.
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  34.  47
    Ancient Education.J. W. L. Adams & William A. Smith - 1956 - Philosophical Quarterly 6 (23):188.
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    A Medical Theory And The Text At Lactantius, Mort. Persec. 33.7 And Pelagonius 347.J. N. Adams - 1988 - Classical Quarterly 38 (2):522-527.
    It would be a mistake to attempt to identify in modern terms the disease of Galerius described so graphically by Lactantius, Mort. 33. Consumption by lice or worms, if not genital ‘gangrene’, was a typical end for a tyrant or the impious, and there must be an element of literary exaggeration in Lactantius' account. But whatever one makes of the nature of the illness, Lactantius did set out to give the passage a scientific plausibility by his use of technical medical (...)
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    Determinate logic and the Axiom of Choice.J. P. Aguilera - 2020 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (2):102745.
    Takeuti introduced an infinitary proof system for determinate logic and showed that for transitive models of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with the Axiom of Dependent Choice that contain all reals, the cut-elimination theorem is equivalent to the Axiom of Determinacy, and in particular contradicts the Axiom of Choice. We consider variants of Takeuti's theorem without assuming the failure of the Axiom of Choice. For instance, we show that if one removes atomic formulae of infinite arity from the language of Takeuti's proof (...)
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  37.  14
    La construcción temática de la filosofía del derecho de los juristas.J. Alberto Del Real Alcalá - 2010 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (4):169-203.
    This essay answers the question: Which are the themes often considered as “Philosophy of Law” that are of concern to legal scholars? My answer seeks to sort out how the “thematic content” has become into what today is known as “Philosophy of Law” to legal scholars (against “Philosophy of Law” to philosophers). To deal with this question I will consider Norberto Bobbio’s point of view.Resumen:En este texto trato de responder a la pregunta: ¿cuáles son los temas calificados generalmente como “de (...)
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  38.  35
    An Essay on Historical, Philosophical and Theological Attitudes to Modern Political Thought.J. Alexander - 2004 - History of Political Thought 25 (1):116-148.
    This essay subjects to criticism the historical and philosophical attitudes to political thought found in the writings of John Dunn and Michael Oakeshott. The essay does not limit itself to criticism but attempts to elaborate what is indicated by criticism for the sake of the modern understanding of political thought. The argument is that history and philosophy as they have recently been practised suffer from limitations that can only be addressed by a recognition of something which is here called theology. (...)
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  39. Bulletin paulinien I-Commentaires et etudes sur une epitre II-Milieu de vie de l'apotre et de ses communautes III-Theologie et hermeneutique.J. -N. Aletti - 2003 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 91 (2):273-300.
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  40.  67
    Reconciling morality with the theory of rational choice via evolution.J. McKenzie Alexander - 2010 - In Lebenswelt Un Wissenschaft: Kolloquienbeiträge und öFfentliche Vorträge des Xxi.
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    The treasury grants, 1833–1839.J. Alexander & D. G. Paz - 1974 - British Journal of Educational Studies 22 (1):78-92.
  42. Thanks to our guest reviewers.J. Alegria, V. Girotto, S. Nicholson, N. Alvarado, R. Gordon, R. Nisbett, M. Ashcraft, V. Goswami, D. Norris & T. Au - 1995 - Cognition 55:333.
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  43.  53
    Origins of Darwin's evolution: solving the species puzzle through time and place.J. David Archibald - 2017 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    J. David Archibald explores how Darwin first came to the conclusion that species had evolved in different regions throughout the world. Carefully retracing Darwin's gathering of evidence and the evolution of his thinking, Origins of Darwin's Evolution achieves a new understanding of how Darwin crafted his transformative theory.
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    J. David Hoeveler, Jr, James McCosh and the Scottish Intellectual Tradition: From Glasgow to Princeton.James J. S. Foster - 2018 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 16 (2):196-200.
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  45.  31
    Recherches récentes en épigraphie créto-mycénienne.Jean-Pierre Olivier & Françoise Rougemont - 1998 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 122 (2):403-443.
    La Semaine d'épigraphie créto-mycénienne a été organisée par l'École française d'Athènes du 24 au 28 mars 1998, dans le but de réunir, pour quelques séances de travail, des savants reconnus et de jeunes doctorants spécialisés dans l'étude des écritures linéaires A et B. Chacun des participants a présenté un état de ses recherches personnelles : M.-L. Bech Nosch, L'administration des textes en Crète centrale, hors des séries Lc/Le/Ln ; Chr. Boulotis, Les nouveaux documents en linéaire A d'Akrotiri (Théra) : remarques (...)
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  46. Comment on hispanic/latino identity by J. J. E. Garcia.Richard J. Bernstein - 2001 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 27 (2):44-50.
  47. PERRY, J.-Dialogue on Good, Evil, and the Existence of God.K. J. Clark - 2001 - Philosophical Books 42 (2):158-160.
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  48. Edited by John J. Cleary and Gary M. Gurtler, SJ.John J. Cleary - 1998 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 14.
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  49. J. Vernon Jensen (1991): Thomas Henry Huxley, Communicating for Science.A. J. F. Koebben - 1995 - Argumentation 9:684-685.
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  50.  15
    Roads to democracy: a tribute to Juan J. Linz.Juan J. Linz, Joan Marcet, José R. Montero & Robert M. Fishman (eds.) - 2007 - Barcelona: Institut de Ciències Polítiques i Socials.
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